
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Key Lime Cookie Cups

Ever since Key West, Cory is obsessed with all things Key Lime so when I came across Pillsbury's new cake mix, cookie mix, and frosting I couldn't pass it up.

Rather than making boring ol' cookies, I decided to get a little creative with some key lime cookie cups. These were relatively simple to make, and they tasted great. Not to mention they were a cute mini snack that I didn't feel quite as guilty eating. Okay, here is what you'll need:

Key Lime Cookie Cups

1 box Pillsbury Key Lime cookie mix (and ingredients noted on box)
1 jar Pillsbury Key Lime frosting
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
3 T sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
1 lime

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Start by placing graham crackers in a Ziplock bag. Use a rolling pin to create crumbs. Mix together with sugar and melted butter in a small bowl. Next, prepare cookie mix as directed. For the life of me I cannot remember what additional ingredients you have to add to the cookie mix. I want to say butter and maybe an egg or two? Forgive me. I threw away the box last week, and there is no way I'm going to go rummaging through the garbage. :)

Next, in a mini muffin pan, place a heaping teaspoon of graham cracker crust in each cup. Use the back of the teaspoon to press the crumbs into the bottom firmly. Scoop cookie dough (about 1 tablespoon) on top of the graham cracker crust.

Place in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. After you remove the cookies from the oven, use the back of a teaspoon to press the cookies into the cups. Allow them to cool for several minutes. If you skip this step your crust will get stuck in the pan, and you'll be one sad baker. I'm impatient so I put the entire pan into the freezer for 5-10 minutes, and the cookie cups easily came out of the pan afterwards.

Once cooled, pipe key lime frosting onto each cookie cup with a star tip. Top with fresh grated lime zest or your favorite green sprinkles. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

32 Things That Make Me Happy

Venus Trapped in Mars

I recently started reading Two Thirds Hazel. Yesterday she had a link up for 32 things that make her happy. Since I've recently been lacking the motivation and creativity to blog I figured this sounded fun. So here we go - here are 32 things that make me happy.
  1. Rainy, stormy days. Big thunderstorms are my absolute favorite. Call me crazy, but I like dreary days better than sunny ones. 
  2. Target. This one needs no explanation.
  3. Brunch. 
  4. Waking up at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. and realizing that I still have several hours left to sleep. Best. Feeling. Ever.
  5. The beach. Doesn't matter which beach it is. The beach is my happy place. 
  6. Going for a walk on the beach first thing in the morning. It might be the most soothing thing ever. I will live on the beach someday. 

  7. Basically every show on Bravo. Judge me all you want, but that stuff is entertaining. My newest obsession? Southern Charm. I really want Cameran to be my BFF.
  8. Donuts and mimosa for breakfast...or really anytime! 
  9. Knowing that I have a clean house. Surfaces dusted. Floors mopped and vacuumed. Clutter put away. Yes I'm OCD. Yes I like everything in it's right place.
  10. Trips with Cory, and really traveling in general. Lucky for me, Cory travels a lot and lets me tag along. 
  11. SPIN! Pizza. I do this thing where I'm obsessed with one restaurant at a time (usually for a few months), and then I move on. However, I've been on the SPIN! train for quite awhile now. If you live in KC, are ever visiting KC, even driving through KC you should go eat there. Order the Mama Mia with a Spinaci e Aglio pizza and a Sonoma salad (dressing on the side). You won't be disappointed I promise.
  12. Nashville - both the city and the TV show. 
  13. Snuggling with my Eves. Crazy cat lady fo-eva! 
  14. Clean sheets. Are you beginning to see a trend? I like clean things.
  15. CHRISTMAS time! Well really Halloween to NYE is the best time of the year. There are so many holidays, so much family and friends, and some time off work. My birthday also happens to fall during this time period so it's basically the greatest.
  16. Christmas trees.
  17. Traditions that go along with holidays. Handing out Valentine's. Dying Easter eggs. Taking sparkler pictures with my sisters on the 4th. Going to the pumpkin patch. Making gingerbread houses. Etc. Etc.
  18. Sitting in the sauna after a nice, long workout.
  19. Ice cream. You can't tell me that a waffle cone and a scoop of your favorite flavor doesn't make you deliriously happy. 
  20. New highlights. It's amazing how much prettier you feel after a hair appointment, even if it's just a trim.
  21. Family vacations. There haven't been near enough of these lately with my sisters still and school, and my mom, dad and I working, but they are great...and this picture is even greater. 
  22. Taylor Swift. You can tell me over and over that I'm too old to be obsessed with every single one of her songs, and I'll tell you over and over that I don't care. She is a brilliant song writer. End of story.
  23. Wedding cake. Hands down it is my most favorite part of a wedding. 
  24. Instagram, and well really, pictures in general. Maybe it's annoying that I document everything, but in 20 years or even 20 hours I love looking back at what I've photographed.
  25. All carbs.
  26. Shellac/gel nail polish. Gone are the days wasting time waiting for nails to dry. 
  27. Group iMessages with friends.
  28. Watching someone open a gift that I put a lot of thought into, and seeing their excitement. 
  29. Pumpkin flavored everything in the Fall. 
  30. All baby animals. I was going to say puppies and kittens, but really, what little baby fluffy thing isn't adorable? 
  31. Theta.
  32. Having a drink on a patio on a warm Saturday afternoon in the Spring or Fall. Bonus points if that drink is a margarita.