
Sunday, February 10, 2013

House Hunting!

No I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth or died. I am in fact still very much alive. I recently switched departments at work (bye bye women's accessories and beauty. hello handbags and kids socks) right in the midst of planning for the Fall season so I have been a busy busy bee. After working 12+ hour days the last thing I've wanted to do is come home and be on the computer.

I have managed to squeeze in some house hunting the last few weeks, and I think I might have found the one today. Who needs a boyfriend when I can have a house? Not this girl. 

I was contemplating putting in an offer on this top house a few weeks ago, but the kitchen was teeny tiny so I decided it probably wasn't the house for me with as much baking as I do. I think part of the appeal of the first house was the street name. How cute would it sound to say yes, I live on Catalina Street. Loved it, but alas it just didn't work out. The second house was almost identical in layout to Catalina, but with a little bigger kitchen. The downside to the second house was it is on a busy street and would require me to back out of the driveway onto said busy street. With my horrid driving skills I feel like a disastrous wreck would have been unavoidable.

Today I went and looked at two houses. One was horrid, but the other definitely has potential! I'm going back to look at it again on Tuesday night and will hopefully make a decision about putting in an offer then. 

There are a few things that I will want to change, but for the most part I love it! It does only have 1.5 baths, and there is a wood paneled bedroom upstairs that is all sorts of awful, but that can be fixed relatively easy (not by me, but by my dad obviously). Fingers crossed things work out and I can actually start trying out all these things I've been pinning for the last 2 years!


  1. You really have things well-prioritized, Jenny! The words “I live in Catalina Street” do sound cute. It’s such a pity that the house in that street didn’t qualify to your preferences. At least you are getting as much options as you can, and comparing which house you like best. =D

    Oscar Lang

  2. So, did you finally put an offer to this house? I’d love to know when you’ll be moving. Tip: Before moving to the house, do the refurnishing first. If there are areas that needed to be repaired, do it first before moving your things. It’s hard to move in a house with boxes all over. ->Lakisha Zimmerer

  3. I did! I'm moving into the white house in a few weeks! I close on a Thursday and have movers that Saturday so my mom and I are going to take a few days off work and try to get all the painting done before my stuff arrives. I basically want to renovate the entire upstairs, but I think that is going to be a slower process since my dad will be doing a majority of the work on the weekends :) Hopefully I can store everything that will go upstairs in the basement until that little project is complete. Wish me luck, and check back on the blog in a few weeks to see how things are going :)

  4. Have you picked a house yet? Honestly, for me, take your time and don't rush to place an offer in a house that you don't really feel. Just wait for the perfect house, I'm sure that it'll come anytime soon. It's better to invest in something that you really love and that you see yourself living in for a longer time, right?

    Kristopher Washington

  5. We share common preferences about the house, Jennifer. I’d like it to have a spacious kitchen area. I don’t like the suffocating feeling that a closed kitchen gives me, especially when I’m going to cook.

    Raquel Fowler
