
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday Thoughts with Jen - Vol 6

Two more days until the weekend. We got this! Does anyone have anything fun planned? I have a pretty full weekend - First Fridays, antiquing, and a concert. I. Can't. Wait. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here are my thoughts this Thursday!
  1. Bad grammar makes me cringe. I know I've mentioned it before, but I was previously referring to bad grammar in writing. What I'm talking about now is hearing people actually speak with bad grammar. Yes, I'm probably guilty of using the word good instead of well from time to time (as my ex liked to point out every chance he got), but what I've been hearing is much, much worse. Saturday morning I was out running errands, and the store associate doing my return was having some difficulties with the computer. When her manager came over to ask her a question she replied, "I ain't sure. That's how I always done it." It made my skin crawl. I almost asked her to repeat after me, "I'm not sure. That is how I've always done it." Sounds much classier right? 
  2. Classy or not, ironing a with a hair straightener is way more efficient than using a regular iron. You all do this too right? Right?? No?!? I'm the only one?! Well, you should really try it. I can't be bothered with going all the way down to the dark, creepy basement to get out the actual iron and ironing board when I have a much more compact, readily available tool that does essentially the same thing. That's my logic at least. Sure I might give myself third degree burns from time to time that look eerily similar to hickeys, but none have been serious enough to deter me. Note: Yes I usually "iron" my collars while I'm actually wearing the shirt. I'm real smart like that. If I'm going to pay upwards of $100 for a Chi I should be able to use it on more than just hair.
  3. Speaking of hair, you know how last week I told you no one (unless you are 12) should be wearing pigtails at the gym? Well apparently the writers at Glamour didn't hear me. Was I not speaking clearly enough? People should not be trying these 3 Ways to Wear Pigtails to the Gym. They are not cute. No hairstyle is sweat-proof, and I don't care if everyone in Hollywood and their mom is doing it, you shouldn't.
    See? Not cute. Not cute at all.
  4. In other news, have you all heard of The Skimm? My roommate, Mal introduced me to it last week, and it is pretty fantastic. Since I commute an hour to work (and usually go to the gym) I never have time to flip on the TV in the morning, and you all know I'm a grandma so I'm in bed before the 10 p.m. news. This daily email summarizes all the top headlines for you so you can sound super intelligent and informed in any conversation. It's like waking up to Cliff Notes of the world every single day. Ah-mazing. If you are interested in signing up (it's free!), here is a link.
  5. How often do you all change your toothbrushes? I was recently informed my toothbrush was the worst this particular individual had ever seen. First of all,
    I'm a clean individual I swear.
    I would like clarification on how many toothbrushes he has actually seen in his lifetime. Is he a toothbrush expert? Has he made it his life work to study the tooth brushing habits and brushes of different girls? Now let me defend myself and my dental hygiene.Ever since childhood I've applied a lot of pressure both when I'm writing and brushing my teeth. My dentists have constantly told me to cool it, but I've continued ravaging my brushes and gums. I just don't feel my teeth get as clean with soft, gentle strokes. Therefore my toothbrushes looks like so...not because they haven't been replaced in 27 months and are growing bacteria, but because I'm too dedicated to oral health. 
  6. While I'm on the topic of grooming, I feel the need to vent about how utterly impossible it is to shave my knees. It doesn't matter if I shave my knees in 37 different directions using a razor with 18 blades, I always miss a spot. I strut out of the house thinking I have silky, smooth legs, only to hop in my car and notice at least three prickly, little hairs glistening in the sunlight just taunting me. It never fails. 
  7. I've been on a huge iced coffee kick lately. I also Instagram way too many pictures of said iced coffee. Sorry I'm not sorry...about the pictures. I am sorry about my declining checking account balance. All those SkVL's and SkCM's are really breaking the bank!
    What can I say? I'm a creature of habit.
  8. I came across this article from Baskin Robbins about what your favorite ice cream flavor reveals about you, but my question is this: what if you don't have one specific flavor? Some days I go for the vanilla, but other days I'm a mint chocolate chip kinda gal. None of the characteristics associated with either of these flavors are very favorable. Apparently I'm either impulsive, easily-suggestible, and an idealist or argumentative, frugal, and cautious. And what if I'm dating someone who likes rainbow sherbet?!? Are we doomed if he is analytic, decisive, and pessimistic?!? Although, maybe it would actually be a good thing since I can't even decide what my favorite flavor is...
  9. Call me pathetic, but I am ridiculously excited for the Taylor Swift concert on Saturday night. My BFF from high school, her older sister, and I all bought VIP tickets. Yes we are all 27+ but you better believe we will be screaming like tweens Saturday night. In honor of my girl, I'll leave you with a few of my favorites this morning. She better play all of these!

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