
Monday, August 19, 2013

Time to Get Runnin'

Several months ago there was a deal for half price registration for the Kansas City Half Marathon so my roommates and I jumped at the deal. Now that it's actually time to start training I'm sort of regretting our spur of the moment decision.

Even when I'm not training for a race I try to get in at least a couple four to five mile runs a week, but the last several months I've been slacking. I'm not sure what the deal is, but it seems like I've had one achy joint after another. At first it was my right knee. Now it's my left. I know I should probably go to the doctor to have it checked out, but I'm pretty sure they will just tell me to stay off of it for awhile which isn't going to happen. Aleve it is!

It really doesn't hurt too bad while I'm actually running, but you should see me walk down the stairs after I'm done. I seriously look like a 90 year old woman. I'm sure wearing 4 inch heels every day doesn't help my situation, but what's a short girl to do?!

Needless to say training has been questionable these last few weeks. I'm hoping to step up my game this week and actually complete all my training runs. The past few weeks I've been skipping out on the shorter runs during the week.I did squeeze in a 7 mile run with Ashley bright and early Saturday morning. We had perfect weather - 60 degrees in August! Ah-mazing! It was the first time I'd felt good about a run in awhile so that was good news. The not-so-good news was I came back to a super flat tire. I guess that's what I get for trying to be productive before 8 a.m. on a Saturday.

My roommates and I are using Hal Higdon's Novice 2 training program. I've used this same program for every half I've run so I'm curious what other people use. Do you have any others that you enjoy? I feel like after this half in October I should try something different....if I'm still walking :)

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