
Monday, September 30, 2013

October Instagram Challenge

I've been participating in Fatmumslim's Photo a Day challenge on Instagram for over a year now. However, lately I've been feeling less and less inspired by the topics (and since that was the whole reason I started the challenge in the first place) I'm going to try something new this month.

I've decided to join Dean Street Society's #StyleMe October Instagram Challenge. I've been traveling a lot lately and my air conditioner broke (oh the joys of being a homeowner) so shopping funds have been a little light as of late. I think this challenge will be a great way for me to stretch my budget and get creative with the clothes I already own. I'm looking forward to rummaging through my closet, seeing things through different eyes, and hopefully (fingers crossed) coming up with some new, cute outfits.

Do I think I'm going to participate every single day? Unlikely. Ain't nobody got time for that! Sometimes a girl's gotta have a lazy Sunday lounging around in oversized KU sweatpants, greasy hair and all. No one wants to see a picture of that right? Right. So how about this? On the days I actually shower and/or look somewhat presentable I'll participate...basically when it's convenient for me. :) Who else wants to play along? You know you want to...

Also, if you want to check out my progress be sure follow me on Instagram. I'll try to be more "artistic" to avoid overloading your feed with obnoxious selfies, but I apologize in advance because I'm sure I'll have to resort to them some days. OK. Ready. Set. Go!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Things That Make Me Happy

Yet again, I'm a day behind on Blogtember. Yesterday's topic, or should I say assignment, was to go to a coffee shop. Order a favorite drink. Write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or write about anything you'd like. Bonus points for including a photo from the coffee shop. 

Well I didn't make it to a coffee shop yesterday. Fail. After work I had errands to run, tailgating treats to bake, and packing to do for my trip so I set up shop in my kitchen and settled for some Starbucks Discoveries Vanilla Latte while my sugar cookie bars were cooling.

If you haven't tried this stuff you are really missing out. It's the real deal
and way cheaper that buying an actual latte at Starbucks..
And now, onto my list of things that are currently making me smile because who wants to focus on being sad. Not me! Plus it's Friday so being sad is impossible. Think happy thoughts people!

  • Fall scented candles. My personal fave is Yankee Candle's Pumpkin Patch Swirl which is a combination of Harvest and Spiced Pumpkin.
  • Midweek dinners with my girlfriends. Nothing gets me through a long workweek like a little sushi and wine with my besties.
  • Fall TV is back!  New Girl. Mindy Project. Nashville. Revenge. 
  • Candy corn and peanuts. Best snack combination ever. I can always count on my mom to have this on hand when I go home.
  • College football Saturdays in Lawrence. They really can't be beat...even if the Jayhawks can be.
  • The fact that it is almost boot weather. Hello riding boots, comfy leggings, and cozy sweaters. Boy how I have missed you.
  • Weekend trips with C. Georgia, ready or not, here I come!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday Thoughts with Jen - Vol 14

Fair warning - it appears I have food on the brain this week so this volume of Thursday Thoughts will be heavily weighted towards all things culinary. If you don't want to be starving by the end of this post then you should probably stop reading now.
  1. Today is National Pancake Day. However, I didn't discover this until after I'd already eaten breakfast. My english muffin with peanut butter wasn't nearly as exciting as pancakes. It's also National Good Neighbor Day. Would it be weird if I made pancakes for dinner and brought some to my neighbors? Probably... Oh well. More pancakes for me! :)
  2. If you asked what I thought about birthday cake Oreos, I would tell you they're ah-maze-ing. Wedding cake concretes at Sheridans? To die for. I'm officially obsessed with all things cake flavored which is why I can't wait to get my hands on Shatto Milk's special edition Birthday Cake Milk. Even though I rarely drink anything other than almond milk, I'm going to have to make an exception for this stuff. I'm also pretty pumped to try Birthday Cake flavored M&Ms. Although I'll have a bit longer to wait on the M&Ms seeing as they don't hit shelves until May 2014. Bummer.
  3. We had a "snacks from your childhood" themed treat day at work yesterday for one of my co-worker's birthdays, and OMG. I had completely forgotten about so many great snacks - Gushers, Goldfish, string cheese, Snack Packs. The list could go on and on. I've decided string cheese is seriously underrated. I must start buying it on the reg. So yummy and such a great easy snack!
  4. Now that I've got food on the brain (hah but really, when do I not??), check out this list of 16 Snacks That Are OK to Eat at Night. Protein cake batter makes the list? I must try this immediately...and there I go with the cake flavored treats. I'm so predictable.
  5. I am so glad Fall TV shows are starting again. Other than SYTYCD, Summer TV just doesn't do it for me. I'm absolutely obsessed with The Mindy Project. Can we talk about James Franco? Holy moly. If he doesn't get your motor running no one will. 
    Look how precious he is. Seriously. I can't take it.
  6. Have you seen this baby's reaction to eating ice cream for the first time? I'm pretty sure my eyes still look like that every time I see ice cream although I don't look nearly as cute. 
  7. I'm not sure what my deal is, but lately I've been turning off my alarm and falling back to sleep. Then when I wake up (late) I have no recollection of ever turning off my alarm. Why is this happening to me?! It's really throwing a wrench in my morning work out plans, and I despise being rushed in the morning. I'm probably weird, but I would much rather wake up 30 minutes early so I can get ready at a leisurely pace, watch the news, and get some miscellaneous household tasks done before work. I guess I probably need to start getting back to my grandmotherly 9:00 p.m. bedtime. There just aren't enough hours in the day!
  8. I think I mentioned this earlier this week, but I'm going to the UGA/LSU game this weekend, and I'm having serious game-day outfit anxiety. I know I talked a big talk back in August, but now that I'm actually attending my first real Southern football game I'm nervous. What on earth should I wear? I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I actually googled "what to wear to a UGA football game". I'm so pathetic...and vain. I'm thinking a casual sun dress or cotton skirt is the way to go. Always better to be overdressed than under dressed right? 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Best Cookie Cake Ever...EVER

Well, I'm a day late on Blogtember, but I'm going to go back and pick up yesterday's topic - review a book, place, or product - or in this case, a recipe.

You guys. Last night I made THE most delicious cookie cake ever...EVER. I was perusing Pinterest, like usual, and came across this recipe from Life, Love and Sugar. Now I love a good cookie cake, but this particular cookie cake was beyond amazing. Promise you won't hate me for what I'm about to say, but I don't like chocolate chips in my chocolate chip cookies (or cookie cakes for that matter). Oh the horror! Yes, you read that right. I make chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips. I know I'm weird. I'm aware. I think that is why I was so obsessed with this particular cookie. I brought it to work for a co-worker's birthday, and even non-chocolate chip haters were raving about it. Seriously, if you want to feel loved, make this cake.

More sprinkles please.
Funfetti White Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake

3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 box funfetti dry cake mix
2 tsp cornstarch
2-3 tsp sprinkles
1 cup white chocolate chips (I used less of course)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. First cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, and mix well. Next add entire box of cake mix, cornstarch, and sprinkles. I went a little heavier on the sprinkles because who doesn't want their cake to be more colorful? Only weirdos. Sprinkles rock. Mix well, and stir in white chocolate chips. Now any sugar cookie recipe is going to tell you to refrigerate the dough overnight, but I was in a time crunch. I put the dough in the freezer for maybe 15-20 minutes, and then went to work. I think it turned out just fine, but if you want to do it by the books refrigerate overnight.

I baked the cookie cake in a spring form pan so it was easier to remove, however if you don't own one, any circular cake pan will do. You'll just have a harder job getting it out. To prepare the pan, trace onto parchment paper and line bottom. Grease the sides with butter. Spread dough evenly in pan. I used wax paper to even out the dough and to make sure the top was smooth. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Edges should be golden while the middle may seem slightly doughy. As it cools it will firm up, and ensure you are left with a soft, moist, chewy cookie. Sorry I used the word moist. I hate it, but it was necessary. This cake really was moist. Ew. Ok I have to stop thatLet cookie cool completely before removing from pan, and decorate with your favorite frosting. In case you don't have a favorite frosting recipe, I've listed mine below.

Buttercream Frosting

2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
3/4 bag(ish) of powdered sugar (more or less to taste)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
1-2 T water (depending on desired consistency)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Right Now

I took a brief hiatus from the Blogtember challenge last week to bring you your regularly scheduled programming, but I'm back at it today. The topic today is a "life lately post - what you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. I've got no complaints! Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I'm loving life these days. Instead of boring you with a monotonous recap of what I did this weekend or my plans for the upcoming week, I'm going to do a Right Now post since it's literally been months.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*obsessing over *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Sprinkle donuts. Someone seriously needs to cut me off. I couldn't stop myself this weekend. They're just so pretty and delicious, but you know what won't be pretty and delicious? My derrière if I keep this up. Must. Stop. Eating. Donuts.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*working on *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Not eating donuts? Hah! No, but really... I've also been decorating my house for Fall. I realized yesterday I have a lot more Halloween decorations than generic Fall decorations so I guess a wreath and some pumpkins will have to do for now. While I refuse to put up Halloween decorations until the first day of October, I have absolutely no problem decorating for Christmas absurdly early. I'm talking at least a week before Thanksgiving. Houses just look so much happier with twinkle lights and trees.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*thinking about*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

What I'm going to eat for dinner tonight obviously. When am I not thinking about food? Correct answer: never! Some of my friends and I originally made plans to have sushi tonight, but sounds like Blue Koi might be on the agenda instead. Their Chinese Style Pot Roast is beyond amazing. Is it dinnertime yet?!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*excited for *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

My upcoming trip with C. This long distance thing isn't quite so bad when I get to take a fun trip every other weekend. This weekend we're headed to Georgia for the UGA/LSU game in Athens and more importantly, a stop at the Georgia Aquarium. I. Can't. Wait.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*can't live without*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo. This stuff is life changing. There's no way I could be at work on time Monday mornings if I actually had to wash my hair. Yup. Every Monday I have dirty hair except this stuff does a fantastic job of masking it. Now you know my dirty little secret. 

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*on repeat*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Beat of the Music by Brett Eldredge

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*devouring *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chipotle veggie bowls. I had it for dinner not once, not twice, but three times last week. I have a problem.

                           *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*thankful for*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

My parents - who gave up their Sunday afternoon to come help me around the house yesterday. What would I do without them? I wouldn't have a working toilet downstairs, and my yard would look absolutely horrendous. They're the greatest.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Funnies

It's time for your next installment of Friday Funnies. I didn't think I would have material for another one of these posts so quickly, but it turns out my friends are pretty darn funny.


You guys. None of the baby weight is in the baby.

I jumped on the fat train, and rode it hard this weekend.

God forbid we eat at my second choice of restaurant. We'd never recover.

I was a tight end...back when I was twisted steel and sex appeal.

[referring to Evie] She's not dying. She's old and needs diapers. I don't 
like the P word and 
she makes you say it all the time. Can you trade her in for a younger model? Surely 
you have enough equity in her to flip? [editor's note: ...and now I hate you]

Every time I drive by Bonefish Grill I say, "Bonefish? Bone this."

Chicken thighs are magic.

He NEVER ate. I could eat more than him. I hated
it. He was like a baby bird that I wanted to punch in the face.

She's cold blooded. She needs a warm, sunny spot to sun herself.

You could put up a pic of your blistered foot and you'd still get 20 likes.

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

If I was physically capable of crying, I would be now.

Oh I don't floss...not unless I have meat in my teeth.

I'm so bored I taught my iPhone to cuss. No more saying ducking or ducked.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday Thoughts with Jen - Vol 13

Happy Thursday! I'm kind of wishing I could rewind to last Thursday so I'd be heading to Charleston in a few hours, but at least there are a few different things on the agenda this weekend. If you're in KC, make sure you check out the 82nd Annual Plaza Art Fair this weekend. It's one of the best things to do in Kansas City all year (at least in my opinion), and then KU takes on Louisiana Tech on Saturday morning. Hopefully I'll be their good luck charm at the game this weekend. Before that though, here are your Thursday Thoughts!

  1. I'm officially the biggest klutz ever. Monday morning as C and I were rushing out the door to get to the airport I took a major tumble. I wasn't even pulling my suitcase. I had my carry on bag and purse in one hand and a cup of the most amazing latte (follow me on Instagram!!) in the other. You know in movies when people fall in slow motion? That's how I felt. I went to adjust the shoulder strap on my carry on bag and immediately knew I was going down. I'm sure it was pretty comical to watch. The latte FLEW up in the air, and of course landed not only the sidewalk, but all over my white blazer. At least five cute, little, old ladies stopped me in the airport to make sure I knew I had something all over me. Yes I'm fully aware I look like a slob. Charleston sidewalk - 1. Jenny - 0. 
    Time to break out these babies on the reg!
  2. When I stepped off the plane in Kansas City Monday morning, I couldn't believe how cool it was. Helllllllllllo scarf weather. It's only slightly pathetic how excited I got. Alas, now that I'm in the real world this is what my life has come to. I'm overly excited about wearing a restrictive piece of clothing around my neck.
  3. Now that the weather is getting cooler and Fall is just around the corner, one of my biggest internal struggles has been whether or not it is too early for dark nail polish. This is a lot to deal with, I know, but unfortunately this is life so I must cope with it. Is it socially acceptable to break out the Lincoln Park After Dark, or should I stick with my tried and true, beloved Funny Bunny for a few more weeks? This is obviously the ultimate #whitegirlproblem.
  4. I think someone has installed some sort of recording device in my house to eavesdrop on my conversations. How else would they know everything the Chicken Tindahs and I talk about day in and day out?! Granted we're lucky if we make it until 9:00 p.m. before hitting the hay. Staying up until 10:30 is just crazy talk!
  5. You know what else is crazy? This list of the 29 Dumbest Things Ever Said on Twitter. Are people seriously this stupid? But really y'all, human beans need to stop sugar coding it and ovary acting to the small stuff before we all die of beaties. Let's just all go get ourselves some Lewbuttons and bask in the smell of our boyfriends' colons. Ridiculous.
  6. I don't want to say I'm a genius or anything, but I'm kind of a genius. Sorry Brach's, but I thought of this year ago. Way to steal my idea. I could have been a millionaire. 
  7. If you have a few minutes to spare I highly advise reading 23 Things Every Woman Should Stop Doing. I know I'm guilty of doing several (if not most) of these things. Although I refuse to believe wearing heels every day is that bad for you. I'm not parting ways with my stilettos. You can't make me. I just won't do it. 
  8. While I was in Charleston, I hit King's Street for a little shopping, but you guys, you might as well start calling me Gandhi. I had so much self-discipline I only bought plastic cups. Yup. Little ol' me was actually able to go window shopping successfully for the first time in my life. Let's be honest, spending $4 on plastic drinking cups hardly counts as shopping. I'm giving myself a big pat on the back for this one. It was so incredibly difficult, especially considering I finally made it into a brick and mortar C. Wonder store. Their stuff rocks - just like Tory Burch only much more affordable.
  9. Speaking of stilettos, someone needs to teach Miss Wisconsin how to walk in heels. It was just plain painful to watch her wobble across the stage on Sunday. And don't even get me started on the "talent" competition. Absolutely horrifying. Side note - if you're pathetic like me and religiously follow the Bachelorette, Bachelor, or any other trashy girly reality show you should really follow +Dana Weiss on Twitter. She live tweets all of them, and it's fantastic. I can't watch TV without her anymore.  
...and that concludes your Thursday Thoughts this week! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Only Pictures

As if I haven't talked about Charleston enough, here are some more photos from my recent trip for today's Blogtember topic - only pictures.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

one of my most favorite dates ever

Getting back into the swing of things after a few days off work is proving to be harder than I thought. I made it to the gym before work this morning, but also managed to forget shower sandals, hair conditioner, and a bra. Fail. Right now I'd like to relive any one of the many moments of my mini vacay as I sit on the couch after an extremely long day of work, but tonight you all are in for a treat. For today's Blogtember topic (a memory I'd love to relive), I'm going to share all the juicy details from what I consider to be one of my most favorite dates ever.

Now my man friend and I have a very unique situation. We've never lived in the same state since we met so some of our "dates" have been rather interesting. Technically we went to Walmart on our second date. How romantic right? I guess I can forgive him for that one though after this weekend. :)

Even though my hair and the humidity clearly don't get along, I'd say we clean up rather nicely.
After a day at the beach, C and I got all cleaned up and headed downtown. He'd made dinner reservations a few weeks prior, but kept the location a secret. Apparently the restaurant was quite popular (and also happened to be participating in Charleston Restaurant Week) so our reservations weren't until 10:00 p.m. which provided ample time for a little bar hopping beforehand.

We started the night at The Rooftop Bar at Vendue Inn. If you ever find yourself in Charleston, you must go here (preferably at sunset). This place has some of the most spectacular, breathtakingly beautiful views of Charleston. I promise you won't be disappointed. For our next drink we moved across the street to The Griffon. This place was quite the change from The Rooftop Bar (think English pub). It was voted one of the "Best Bars in the South" by Southern Living in February, and was a perfect place to cozy up in a dark corner with a beer.

After the Griffon, C informed me it was time to move closer to where we were actually having dinner so we headed out, although it was quite a slow go. Another pointer - as much as it pains me to say this, pass on the heels in Charleston if you are going to be walking a lot. The sidewalks are like minefields in stilettos, or maybe I'm just terribly clumsy (probably a combination of the two). Before we made it to our final destination, C had one more surprise up his sleeve. Months ago he posted a photo on Instragram joking that Philadelphia Alley was the "prime make out spot" in Charleston. Now I've never claimed to be much of a drinker so I was feeling slightly giggly after my two drinks and didn't even realize C had led me on a little detour right into Philadelphia Alley. Whether or not it's the prime make out spot in Charleston is a call I'll let you make should you ever find yourself there. If I had to vote, I'd say it's up there for sure. ;)

After our little stop, C and I finally reached Husk. We were still a little early for our reservation so we grabbed another cocktail at The Bar at Husk. I ordered the Charleston Light Dragoon's Punch which was California brandy, Jamaican rum, peach brandy, black tea, lemon juice, and raw sugar. It was ah-maze-ing. I can't remember what C's first drink was, but I know he ordered the No Whey, Jose? which I just couldn't stomach. I usually love tequila, but apparently I can't take it when it's jalapeno muddled with Si Senor, whey, Chocolat Royal, and mole bitters.

Finally it was time for some dinner. Husk offered 3 courses for $40 from a menu that changes daily. Executive chef Sean Brock's rule is "if it doesn't come from the South, it's not coming through the door." I let C do all the ordering and his choices and the food did not disappoint. For our first entrees we had Kentuckyaki glazed pig ear lettuce wraps, salt "fermented" cucumbers and peppers, shaved onion, benne, and the TN cheddar pimento cheese, crispy country ham, and grilled bread. The cheese and carbs were my favorite obviously.

For C's second course he had slow cooked Heritage pork, smoky beans with Carolina gold rice, red Russian kale, and Appalachian tomato gravy. My second course was Keegan-Filion Farms chicken, Anson Mills farro, sweet peas, marinated heirloom tomatoes, and arugula pesto. Again, the food was fab. Finally it was time for dessert. We had the buttermilk pie with macerated SC peaches and whipped sweet cream and the NC Mountain apple crisp with pecan-oat crumble and whipped creme fraiche. The apple crisp was to die for. It took a lot of restraint not to lick the plate clean.

After dinner we waddled our way out of the restaurant and decided to make one more stop at the Market Pavilion Bar before heading home. Yet another amazing rooftop space. Why is Charleston so spectacular?!

Outside of Husk (post-feast)

After I stumbled around in heels for most of the night C decided we should end the night with a ride home in a pedicab so I could see a bit more of historic Charleston. It was a perfect end to the perfect evening...and so much more romantic than Walmart!

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Newfound Love...

Today's Topic: Write a public love letter to someone in your life (it doesn't necessarily need to be romantic).

This past weekend I fell in love. Let me tell you, at age 27 I've been in love a time or two, but this love isn't like other loves. I fell hard, and I fell fast. Before I send a certain someone into cardiac arrest, I should probably clarify. I'm not talking about being in love with a boy. Charleston, even though we just met 4 days ago I feel confident in saying this. I love you! And here I thought all those girls on the Bachelor were completely cray-cray, yet here I am professing my love for you after less than a week. Do you hear me Charleston?! I LOVE YOU! I just want to shout it from the rooftops.

I know just last week I was tooting Kansas City's horn, and KC is still great and all, but there is just something totally infatuating about you, Charleston. Every building has a story. I'm smitten with your historic downtown. I absolutely adore all your picturesque steeples that adorn the skyline. It also helps that I had a cute tour guide leading the way all weekend, but don't worry. I'm not picking up and moving to the Low Country anytime soon. My hair can't take your humidity. However, if I win the lottery or stumble upon a large sum of money it would be so tempting to snatch up one of your gems. Does anyone have $10,000,000 they want to give me? If so, I just might be a South Carolina resident faster than I can say pimento cheese.

As an avid heel wearer, I think our biggest relationship problem will be your cobblestone streets, but I'm confident we can get past this little hiccup. Clearly, you love me too Charleston as evidenced by your behavior when I tried to leave this morning. Even tripping me and causing me to face plant (sending coffee flying down the sidewalk and all over my white blazer mind you) didn't dampen my flame for you.

My heart is yours forever,

I realize I missed a day of Blogtember on Friday, but as you can see, I was a little busy. I still have several more photos and stories and that I want to share from my recent trip so I'll probably have more Charleston coming at you the next few days.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday Thoughts with Jen - Vol 12

Happy Thursday! I'm heading off on a little mini vacay this weekend, but don't worry. I won't leave you hanging. Before I hop on a plane this afternoon, here are your Thursday Thoughts (and I'm squeezing in my response to today's Blogtember topic as well).
Some afternoons I don't think I would survive without this.
  1. Does anyone actually like the pretzels in Chex Mix? Two of my co-workers and I have daily Chex Mix breaks, and we've had this discussion multiple times. Don't get me wrong. I love pretzels, but there's something disappointing about the ones in Chex Mix. I always eat them first to get them out of the way then the mini bread sticks, wheat chex, corn chex, and rye chips in that order. I save the best for last. I'm OCD even in my eating habits.
  2. Ummm I want to eat all of theseGlazed donut bread pudding? Stop it. I LOVE all kinds of bread pudding.
  3. Does this freak anyone else out? The thought of making soup in the same machine my morning coffee comes out of just seems wrong. I don't think I can wrap my head around it. Plus isn't microwaving soup way easier?
  4. I got a pedicure on Sunday, and for the life of me I could not convince my nail tech that I was 27. He just kept telling me I looked like a baby, and he couldn't believe I hadn't just graduated from high school. Maybe I'll appreciate this in 10 years? Right now it's just plain annoying.
  5. Speaking of age, can you prove you're a '90s girl? Looks like I can. I got an 86%. I couldn't remember Felicity's last name for the life of me. I was always more of a Samantha girl anyways. Also, who cares about anything Leo did after Titanic? Nothing can compare to that performance.
  6. I'm sorry, but is handholding while grocery shopping really necessary? I get it. You're in love, but wouldn't it be way more efficient to divide and conquer? You're in my way. How am I supposed to speed walk with maximum efficiency while you're taking up 3/4 of the aisle. Holding hands at the grocery store is only one step up from holding hands at the gym which is absolutely THE worst. Don't do it. I repeat, just don't do it.
  7. You guys!!! Britney Spears' new single comes out in less than 5 days!!! I am so pumped. I love me some Brit Brit. 
  8. Today's Blogtember topic is discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you. I love social media (probably more so than the average person), but as I've alluded to before, it can be exhausting to try to keep up with it all. While it's great I can have the news at my fingertips all day long via Twitter or I can pretend to be a fab photographer thanks to Instagram, I think I probably miss out
    Ready for some beach time! South Carolina
    come on and raise up!
    on things happening in real life because I'm constantly glued to my phone a majority of the day. Don't even get me started on Facebook.
  9. Actually I will say something about Facebook. I rarely even look at it anymore because (1) I don't even know who half my "friends" are because they were mere acquaintances to begin with and now they're married so I don't even recognize their names, (2) they're all complaining about really frivolous things, (3) they're peddling their religious, political, and/or personal beliefs, or (4) they're bragging to the world that their son/daughter just used the "big kid toilet" for the first time (picture included). Yes that really happened. I'm so over Facebook...except on my birthday. Then I like it. :)
  10. Checking a bag for a four day trip is totally acceptable right? There is no way I can fit everything into a carry on bag. Don't even try to tell me six pairs of shoes for a weekend trip is excessive. I'm not high maintenance at all. A girl's gotta have options. 
And that's all I've got for you today. Luckily tomorrow's Blogtember post is an easy one so hopefully I won't miss a day. I'll try to squeeze in a self portrait if I can convince my friend to play photographer. We'll see how persuasive I can be. :)