
Monday, September 30, 2013

October Instagram Challenge

I've been participating in Fatmumslim's Photo a Day challenge on Instagram for over a year now. However, lately I've been feeling less and less inspired by the topics (and since that was the whole reason I started the challenge in the first place) I'm going to try something new this month.

I've decided to join Dean Street Society's #StyleMe October Instagram Challenge. I've been traveling a lot lately and my air conditioner broke (oh the joys of being a homeowner) so shopping funds have been a little light as of late. I think this challenge will be a great way for me to stretch my budget and get creative with the clothes I already own. I'm looking forward to rummaging through my closet, seeing things through different eyes, and hopefully (fingers crossed) coming up with some new, cute outfits.

Do I think I'm going to participate every single day? Unlikely. Ain't nobody got time for that! Sometimes a girl's gotta have a lazy Sunday lounging around in oversized KU sweatpants, greasy hair and all. No one wants to see a picture of that right? Right. So how about this? On the days I actually shower and/or look somewhat presentable I'll participate...basically when it's convenient for me. :) Who else wants to play along? You know you want to...

Also, if you want to check out my progress be sure follow me on Instagram. I'll try to be more "artistic" to avoid overloading your feed with obnoxious selfies, but I apologize in advance because I'm sure I'll have to resort to them some days. OK. Ready. Set. Go!


  1. This sounds awesome! I'm totally going to participate!

    1. It should be fun! Although I'm already struggling, and it's only the first day :)

  2. With Instagram, it is about the quantity of followers that you can get. The truth of the matter is that without a substantial number of followers, you and your business will end up noticeably dark.
