
Monday, September 9, 2013

I Love Rules

Call me a dork, but I love taking personality tests. I find them so fascinating. It's slightly scary how accurate they can be. I had to take one for work a few years ago, and it was spot on. It appears this one is no different. According to the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my personality type is ESTJ which means:

Extravert (11%)     Sensing (38%)     Thinking (75%)     Judging (78%)

  • I have a slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion
  • I have a moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition
  • I have a distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling
  • I have a strong preference of Judging over Perceiving

According to this, I thrive on order and continuity, and I love rules and traditions. Sounds about right. Breaking rules gives me a serious case of anxiety.

Some of the strengths associated with this personality type are:

  • Generally enthusiastic, upbeat and friendly
  • Stable and dependable
  • Put forth a lot of effort to fulfill their duties and obligations
  • Responsible about taking care of day-to-day practical concerns around the house
  • Usually good (albeit conservative) with money
  • Not personally threatened by conflict or criticism
  • Interested in resolving conflict, rather than ignoring it
  • Take their commitments very seriously and seek lifelong relationships
  • Able to administer discipline when necessary

...and here are some of the weaknesses (not that I have any of these because I'm perfect obviously) :)

  • Tendency to believe that they are always right
  • Tendency to need to always be in charge
  • Impatient with inefficiency and sloppiness
  • Not naturally in tune with what others are feeling
  • Not naturally good at expressing their feelings and emotions
  • May inadvertently hurt others with insensitive language
  • Tendency to be materialistic and status-conscious
  • Generally uncomfortable with change, and moving into new territories

I don't think 100% of these things are true about myself, but a good chunk of them seem to be accurate. I like to think I'm pretty in tune with how other people are feeling, but let me take the chance to apologize if I've ever inadvertently hurt your feelings, or bossed you around since I'm always right hah! Also, if you want to date me then maybe you should read this first. What's your personality type? Do you think your results are an accurate depiction of your personality?


  1. I, too, love rules and traditions. And I am really bothered by people who don't enforce rules :)

  2. Cute blog! I just found you thanks to Blogtember, I love Charleston too. We frequented there since we lived close in Charlotte, NC. Happy Blogging!


    1. Thanks Claire! Your blog is equally cute. :) I can't wait to get back to Charleston. Such a fun city!
