
Monday, December 30, 2013

29 Things Before 29 (or New Years Resolutions)

You don't have to tell me. I'm more than aware I've been a complete failure at blogging the last two months. I just haven't felt particularly inspired nor have I had an abundance of free time (even though I was off work for an entire week). I was too busy eating cookies, watching movies, and working on a puzzle. Give a girl a break. I live a really exciting life. I know. Anyways, since it is almost NYE and I still hadn't done my 29 things before 29 list I thought I could just roll it all up into one big resolutions/goals/things I need to accomplish post. Sound good? Great. Here we go...

  1. Blog at least once a week.
  2. No alcohol or sweets for a month. The alcohol part? That will be easy. The sweets? Lord help me.
  3. Find a church to attend. This must happen this year.
  4. Get my new website up and running. More on this to come. Hopefully soon :)
  5. Buy/hang curtains in my living room and bedroom.
  6. Take photography lessons.
  7. Take a Bikram yoga class.
  8. Travel abroad. Europe. Mexico. Canada. Wherever!
  9. Increase my savings account by changing my automatic funds transfer from $50 to $100 a week.
  10. Walk at least 10,000 steps every day for a month. I just got a Fit Bit for Christmas so I'm kind of obsessed. :)
  11. Call a friend I haven't talked to in awhile on the way home from work at least once a week.
  12. Say "I love you" more and mean it.
  13. Eat a paleo or low carb diet for a month. Again, this will be very difficult for a carb lover like myself.
  14. Read 12 books.
  15. Try 12 new recipes (bonus points if they aren't desserts).
  16. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This one is kind of cheating because C and I are already planning on going there in March, but I've wanted to go forever so whatever. This one's a freebie!
  17. Milk a cow. Random you may say? It sounds fun...and I just really want to visit Shatto Milk Company sometime this year. I might die of happiness if I'm able to bottle feed a baby cow. Soooo stinkin' cute!
  18. Sing karaoke.
  19. Buy a house plant and keep it alive for 6 months. Let's be honest. There is no way it will live for year. Baby steps.
  20. Swim with manatees or dolphins.
  21. Go for a hot air balloon ride.
  22. Send snail mail to a friend or family member each month. I know I had this same idea last year, but I failed miserably, and I always love getting fun mail so it's time to return the favor.
  23. Buy my parents dinner.
  24. Have a garage sale to get rid of everything still boxed up in the basement. If I haven't used it in almost a year I really don't need to keep hanging on to it.
  25. Buy a piece of jewelry that signifies all I've achieved so far.
  26. Take a spinning class.
  27. Try 12 new restaurants.
  28. Visit at least one state I've never been to.
  29. Hold a snake. I didn't have enough courage to do this last year. Maybe 29 is the lucky year? We shall see.
Hopefully these are a little more achievable than last year. Happy New Year friends! Cheers to 2014!


  1. Hello Jenny! I love your blog! You are so cute and have great recipes! I am excited to try the ooey gooey cake bars. I just wanted to make a comment on your #3 goal for this year, I guess I was just curious what church you plan on attending? And I might be bold for saying this, but if you don't already have a certain church you are attending I would suggest trying The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that as I attend I feel so happy and so much love.

    1. Thanks Marlayna! You MUST try the ooey gooey cake bars! They are to die for! I've actually been attending a few different Methodist churches around the area, but thanks for your suggestion! :)
