- Clean sheets are one of the best things on earth. There's just something about crawling into soft sheets that smell like fresh meadows and rain. Mmmmmmmm. Comfy cozy.
- Speaking of beds and sleeping, a few days ago I had a less than stellar night of sleep. I had a dream...let me correct myself, a horrible, horrible nightmare...I woke up and my bottom teeth were SO crooked. I'm talking couldn't even attempt to wedge my bottom retainer back in, snaggletooth crooked. They were the kind of crooked that could only be fixed by a second round of braces. The horror! I woke up in a cold sweat. Luckily, my bottom retainer was in place, and my teeth were still relatively straight. Phew. You can all exhale in relief now.
- You know what is almost as gross as crooked teeth? Playoff beards. Woof. I'm sorry, but all these baseball players look so dirty. It's time to shave boys so we can see those pretty little faces of yours...and while we're at it, let's just all forget about no-shave November this year. 5 o'clock shadows = sexy. Full beards = creepy.
- How I just recently discovered Trader Joe's macarons is a mystery to me, but they are fabulous. I wish I could buy an entire package of the pistachio flavored ones. So yummy. Good thing they only stay good for 2 days after you thaw them out. Thank you TJs for an excuse to eat an entire package of cookies in 48 hours.
- I do not, I repeat, do not understand people who like 20 of my Instagram pictures in a row yet do not follow me. If you like that many of my pictures I've already taken won't you like them in the future?! Don't think for a second I'm going to start following you. Doesn't work like that. Sorry.
- You guys. I cannot take vegan leather jackets. I mean really, they are just plastic, pleather, PVC jackets. Why is everyone trying to make them sound way fancier than they really are?! Putting the words vegan and leather together is a contradiction. If you are vegan, you don't wear leather. You wear PVC. It is a plastic jacket. Let's call it that.
- So I did just buy myself a real leather jacket a few weeks ago, and wouldn't you know I've already spilled all over it. Last week I was getting out of my car at work (in the rain), and I dropped my badge. I went to bend down and pick it up and being the dummy I am, I forgot I had a smoothie in my hand. I somehow managed to dump almost the entire smoothie into and down the front of my purse and coat sleeve. I am such a klutz. I should probably stick to pleather.
- You didn't think I would let an entire Thursday Thoughts go by without mentioning Taylor Swift did you?!? No way. No how. It is album release week, and boy is it a good one! If you haven't listened to 1989 I highly suggest getting up and driving your butt to Target right this second. Seriously. Stop reading this and go! If you have heard it, bravo. You can vote for your favorite track here, and if you're crazy like me you can take this quiz to see which Taylor Swift album you are.