
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Piece of Advice

Today's topic: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

Do not under any circumstances eat your weight in pita chips then proceed to wash it down with two cupcakes at a bridal shower and attempt to run for an hour outside in the heat a few hours later (yes that was an extreme run-on sentence, but I'm too tired to care). Just don't do it. That is all.

I realize this is a sorry excuse for a blog post, but this is about all I can muster tonight.


  1. I LOVED this post! You are a doll. That is all. :D And don't you love this blogging challenge?
    (Dandelion Dreams)

  2. Haha thanks Candace! This blogging challenge is so fun! I'd been so horrible about posting before this month so it is perfect for me. I'm glad today's topic is easy :)
