
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Moment in Your Day

Welp. I missed a day. I knew it would happen eventually. Here is my catch up post from yesterday. We will see if I actually get to today's topic...

Yesterday's topic: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or a photo and words).

You all know I'm obsessed with taking pictures and Instagram so of course I'm going to go with a photo for this one, but since I'm at work a little bit early this morning I'll throw in some words too.

Happy Hour at the Jayhawker with the best co-workers EVER

Sylas and Maddies after Happy Hour. Yum Yum Yum!

Last night I went to Happy Hour with most of the Accessories analysts and distribution planners at Payless since my co-worker and I will be switching teams and moving into the footwear world starting next week. I'm excited for the new opportunity, but it definitely feels like the end of an era since Accessories has been my home for the last two and a half years. It was a bittersweet day, but I'm probably just being overly dramatic. In actuality, I'm only moving maybe 50 feet away from my old desk so it isn't like I'm never going to see them again. Anyways, I better actually get to work, but just wanted to say that I seriously have THE best co-workers ever, and Payless pretty much rocks my face off. Have a great day everyone! TGIF!


  1. I'm so sad I missed the happy hour!!

  2. Mmmm all of this post is DELISH. Love your writing girl!!

  3. So much fun! It may have been your last happy hour as an accessories planner, but I'm sure that doesn't mean you won't be going to happy hour with the accessories team ever again :)

  4. We missed you too Alycia!

    Thanks Candace! Love your blog too :)

    Alex, it better not be! I want to be included on every single one in the future! I'm sure I will have lots of gossip to catch up on haha!
