
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I got a little behind on the Blog Every Day in May Challenge this weekend because I am just so popular and have such an engaging social calendar I had absolutely zero time to sit down at the computer. I kid, I kid. I was actually decently busy, but I'm sure I could have squeezed in a post here and there if I had tried a little harder. Anyways, lucky you! I'm cramming three days of topics into one post so let's delve right in!

Friday's Topic: Most embarrassing moment(s). Spill.

Hmmm where to even begin on this one? I could tell you about the time that I dropped my tray in the cafeteria freshman year at cheerleading camp, or the time I wiped out in the hallway in front of all the senior boys, or more recently when I fell down the stairs at work (in a skirt) shattering a plastic water cup, spilling coffee all over myself and only stopping when I log rolled into the back of one of my male co-workers legs. There was also the time I was chit chatting with a friend at work and ran head on into a metal shoe rack. Lets just say there was a lot of blood but even more mortification. I would say 99.9% of my embarrassing moments revolve around my much so that I'm pretty sure all my friends, family, and co-workers have just come to expect it. I'm constantly covered in scrapes and bruises from running into something or tripping and falling over something or other. At least I provide some comic relief! I mean, everyone likes a good wipeout right?!?

Saturday's Topic: Sell yourself in 10 words or less.

Positive. Compassionate. Silly. Dependable. Nerdy.
Perfectionist. Classy. Reserved. Determined. Adaptable.

Today's Topic: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time in your life...)

Can I be this carefree again? Pretty please...

I miss being young...not early twenties young, but pre-puberty childhood young. I miss my innocence. I miss the days before I cared about boys, before I had to worry about mortgage payments, real jobs, and my metabolism. Life was so much easier as a child. I had my parents to look out for me and shelter me from all the monstrosities in the world. My biggest concern was whether or not I would get Seamore the Seal in my Teenie Beanies Happy Meal from McDonald's, or if I would be able to find a matching scrunchie to go with my new hot pink waffle shirt at Limited Too. Those were the days. Can't I just be 11 again?? I don't want to be a "grown up" anymore!

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