Tuesday, May 21, 2013

things that really irk me

Today's Blog Every Day in May topic is supposed to be links to favorite posts in your blog's archives. Seeing as I've only been at this for a few months (with several week long hiatuses) I don't have very many to choose from (here are my top three posts in terms of page views - one, twothree). I'm going to go ahead and skip to the next topic because I highly doubt I will get to it tomorrow.

Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off).

Well obviously I don't have a husband...or even a boyfriend for that matter so I can't rant about him. Can I rant about my lack thereof? I probably shouldn't even get started on that topic. Honestly, I really try to avoid controversy and arguments, but I do have a list of pet peeves that could stretch to the moon and back so I'll leave you with some of these today.

  • People who misuse there/their/they're, to/two/too, your/you're...actually just people with bad grammar in general. I think most second graders could spell better than one of my exes, and it made me cringe every time I got a text or IM from him. Bad writing skills are a deal breaker in my book.
  • Slow walkers - especially in crowded malls and narrow hallways/aisles. I've got places to go and people to see. No time for lolly gagging!
  • Crumbs on counter tops
  • When people go around telling everyone how awesome they are at their hobbies, jobs, or life in general. Newsflash -- If you are truly that awesome you shouldn't have to tell anyone.
  • Anyone (they can be male or female) that says "we're pregnant." Last time I checked only one of you is growing a baby inside you.
  • When someone proceeds to start running on the treadmill right next to me when there are at least 15 other empty ones.
  • People that drive slow in the left lane. I'm all for being safe and driving the speed limit, but get in the right lane for the love of god.
  • Hair in/on bathroom sinks and shower walls. So gross.
  • People who leave their empty popcorn bags and soda cups in the movie theater. How lazy are you?!? There are trashcans right outside the door. Didn't your mother teach you better? Come on.


  1. Ha! I agree with all of these, especially the grammar one! People make me sad. As for slow walkers... I just run them over. My walk is basically a sprint. I think I'm incapable of walking slowly.

  2. Bad grammar kills me! It is seriously pathetic that some elementary school kids can write better than 20-somethings!

    I hear you on the speed walking! My friends used to make fun of me in high school for walking so fast through the hallways during passing periods haha. :)

  3. I committed one such atrocity the last time I went to the movie theatre, but I actually remember feeling guilty while I was walking out if that makes it any better...I also HATE slow walkers, it must run in the family.
