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How cute is this ice cream cake my family got my Dad and I for our joint birthday celebration on Sunday?! Love it! |
buy a DSLR cameraand take photography lessons - Completed 10/27/13. Okay so I haven't actually taken lessons, but I'm going to count this one as a win. My dad has taught me some things I swear.run 1,000 miles- Okay so this one I know I did 1,000 miles of cardio. Was it all running? No. I ran 596 miles before my knees started bothering me in July, and I tried to tough it out until September, but I decided to take a few months off and stick with the elliptical, stairmaster, walking, and group fitness classes until January. I'm going to count this as complete because the circumstances were out of my control? Just give it to me. You'll see I failed on quite a few others if you keep reading...- find a church to attend - FAIL. Mal and I went to church a few times in April and planned on making it a weekly thing, but then we got busy. The only time I regularly go to church is when I stay in Topeka. This needs to change in 2014.
go to a movie by myself- completed 1/20/13. I went and saw Les Miserables all by myself.learn to ski- Completed 2/23/13. I skied at Snow Creek in Weston, MO. I also only made it a few hours before I wimped out and headed inside to the bar to watch KU basketball. Priorities.make a budget that I actually stick to so I can save more money for a house- I might not have actually created a budget per se, but I did buy my first house on 2/14/13 so that counts. Also C is attempting to keep my spending in check (attempting is the key word).read 8 new novels- Hit this one out of the park! I'm currently on book #12. Here's what I've read - (1) The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan, (2) The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, (3) Little Bee by Chris Cleave, (4) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, (5) Someone Could Get Hurt by Drew Magary, (6) Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson, (7) The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff, (8) Wild by Cheryl Strayed, (9) Power Moves by Karl Welzein, (10) The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian, (11) Divergent by Veronica Roth- take the GMAT - FAIL
try 10 new restaurants- (1) Room 39, (2) The Majestic, (3) Brewbakers, (4) Salsa Grill, (5) Avelluto's, (6) The Beacon, (7) Chez Elle, (8) The Farmhouse, (9) Nara, (10) The Filling Station..and many more. I've been an overachiever with this one for sure. Of course...the goal with the food.try 12 new recipes- Another food one complete. Maybe next year I should have all food related goals. Then I would be an A+ student. Here's what I made - (1) Chocolate Ganache, (2) Avocado Feta Dip, (3) Tomato Basil Soup, (4) Pineapple Lemonade Sangria, (5) Buffalo Chicken Enchiladas, (6) Blueberry Muffins, (7) Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes, (8) Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball, (8) Funfetti Cookie Cake, (9) Sugar Cookie Bars, (10) Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, (11) Red Velvet Shortcake Cookies, (12) Roasted Bacon, Mustard, Walnut Brussels Sprouts, (13) Sweet Potato Pecan Casserolerun a half marathon and beat my PR (1.56.28) OR run a full marathon and beat my PR (3:56:22)- I ran Rock the Parkway half marathon on 4/13/13 and finished in 1.48.59. Go me!complete a 365 photo a day challenge- Completed 4/30/13avoid fast food for an entire month- Completed February 2012.- sing karaoke - FAIL
take a trip to a state I’ve never been to- I went to cities I'd never been to this year. I spent time in Charleston, SC and Athens, GA. Although these aren't new states I think I can go ahead and count this one as complete since I traveled a lot. Right?- attempt to eat a Paleolithic or vegetarian (haven't decided which) diet for an entire month - FAIL
learn to french braid- Watched a how-to YouTube video two days ago. It counts.celebrate three unusual holidays- National Taco Day 10/4/13. National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day 11/12/13 - Ok so maybe my pizza wasn't quite the works, but I did consciously eat pizza that night because I knew it was a national pizza day of some sort. It counts. National Microwave Oven Day 12/6/13 - Yup I heated myself up a fancy Lean Cuisine. I'm so gourmet.host a girl’s night every other month- Bachelorette watch party in January, Housewarming party in April, multiple summer cook outs (I said cook out and not BBQ Cory so you don't have to correct me), Mexican fiesta in October, Friendsgiving in November, NYE party coming up this month. Guests weren't limited to the female variety, but the Tindahs and I still hosted some great get-togethers so this one is a win.- only use reusable grocery bags - FAIL
make my bed every day for a month- Completed March 2013get a promotion- Completed 5/2/13- take a spinning class - FAIL I was planning on going to SoulCycle this morning, but it was cold out and sleeping in sounded much better than walking around with a bruised butt all weekend. Maybe next year...
buy a KitchenAid stand mixer- Completed 12/26/12- send snail mail to one family member or friend each month - thank you note to Molly in January, but after that month this was a big, fat FAIL
- learn to knit - FAIL
- floss every other day - FAIL
- conquer my biggest fear - hold a snake - FAIL. C dragged me into Petsmart at least three times, but the closest I got to holding a snake was timidly peering at the glass from 3 feet away. Maybe next year... Actually probably not.
- learn to shoot a gun - FAIL. I haven't done this yet, but I think I'm going to learn over Christmas so maybe this is only a partial fail?
I just ran across your blog today through Pinterest trying to figure out how to make sugar cookies for the first time. So far, I've pretty much been distracted from my initial goal, but it's a compliment because I'm enjoying your blog! As for these goals- You did really good! I didn't think to do a short-term 28 before 28 [I am also currently 27.] But I had a 30 Before 30 worked out, and even with three years to go, I'm kind of doubting I'll get as much traveling done as I wanted to. 62% is a win!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I think you had the right idea by doing 30 before 30. Maybe I should do that this year instead of 29 before 29. I think two years is probably much more realistic. Good luck with the sugar cookie baking! :)