Happy Thursday! Have you made
Valentine's Day Strawberry Puppy Chow yet? If not, you should make it this weekend! For now, here's Thursday Thoughts:
- I went to Target last week to buy a few groceries and miscellaneous household items, but came out with a swimsuit (in January when I have no warm vacations planned), Valentine's day socks, a zillion Valentine's Day decorations, and Valentine's Day candy...when I'm doing Whole 30. Why did I think that was a good idea? Peanut m&ms have been tempting me all week. So far I've stayed strong, but we'll see if I make it through the weekend. Also, Target takes all my money. I shouldn't be allowed in there by myself with unlimited time to browse.
- I need to stop watching weeknight KU basketball games. I think I'm bad luck. On Monday KU was winning literally the entire time until I turned it on. Guess I need to stick to the Bachelor on Monday's.
- I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday working on a puzzle sooooo there's that.
- I'm a little scared to confess this for fear of being shunned by the entire blogger and health community, but I cannot get on board with kale. I don't know how many times I've ordered a kale salad hoping this time I would love it, but I just don't. I can't. It's so strong tasting. I bought kale slaw salad mix and kale chips on my weekly Trader Joe's run this week, and regretfully I can't say I've fallen madly in love with either.
- Ohhhhh to grow up in a family of three girls! Pretty sure I can relate to all of these photos unfortunately (or fortunately. Love you Mandy and Brooke haha). Be sure to check out these 18 Photos That Won't Make Sense to Sisterless Families if you have sisters! Those scratch marks bring back memories for sure. The amount of fights we had over who was on who's side of the car on road trips, who got the computer during prime AOL hours, and who stole who's clothes will never be forgotten.
- It's almost scary how perfectly this list of 11 Things Every 'Type A' Person Wants You to Know describes me. I'd rather die than be late (I'm habitually 15 minutes early to almost everything), and I seriously couldn't function without my to-do list. My nervous habit? If you know me at all then you definitely know it's playing with my ring...and dropping said ring. :)
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