Friday, November 23, 2012

Here goes nothing...

If I had a dollar for every time one of my friends told me that I should start a blog over the course of the last few months...well I would have about $11. I keep telling them that in all reality I actually live a very boring life. I wake up before the crack of dawn. Go to the gym. Go to work. Come home. Watch a little TV. Maybe read a few chapters of my book club book if I’m feeling overly ambitious. All the while talking to my cat, Evie, mind you. Then I’m in bed by 8:30 p.m. on a good night. 10:00 p.m. if I’m feeling crazy. These are not the things people want to read about day in and day out I try to convince them. I am a 26 year old self-proclaimed cat lady, and I am boring with a capital B. 

The problem is my friends think my life is way more exciting than it really is because I have an unhealthy obsession with Instagram. Please see this unfortunate comic by Pandyland: A Comic about Instagram. I hate the truth in this comic because I feel it describes my life perfectly. Sad, but so so true. Take a peek at my Instagram profile here, and it appears my life is filled with fun baking adventures, fashion, cocktails with friends...and maybe a few too many pictures of my cat. I can't help it that my cat should have been a model, and the world (okay my 218 followers) deserve a new picture of her at least every other day. Sorry I'm not sorry. Nonetheless, my life seems exciting. And so I’ve been pressured to start this blog. 

you can't deny the cuteness...
So here it goes. I’m about to begin sharing my life with my friends, my family, and complete strangers. I anticipate this blog will focus mainly on my baking (maybe with a little actual cooking although this usually results in utter failure), with some fashion, fitness, and other random topics thrown into the mix. I apologize if I bore you, but you can stop reading at any point right?

I also feel that the key to a good blog (or any website really) is good pictures. Unfortunately, like I mentioned before, I’m a 26 year old young professional, and let’s be honest. On my salary, I cannot afford to drop roughly $1,000 on any of the DSLR cameras I’ve been lusting after, and still have enough money to buy fab clothes in order to post my OOTD selfies (i.e. an outfit of the day picture taken by yours truly and posted to Instagram in order to validate my style).

this baby got 29 likes
Maybe if this blogging thing really takes off, or if I get a big promotion I will reward myself with a nice camera, but until then you will have to suffer with my grainy pictures taken on my ancient Nikon Coolpix or iPhone 5. Yes, I did splurge and upgrade my phone after living with an old cracked iPhone 3 for almost a year, but that was only because I needed better quality Instagram pics so I could get more likes. Obviously. Okay enough rambling. Here goes nothing...


  1. So excited to see you joining the blog world! And thanks for the Instagram advice-- I love following you. I'm going to have to check out the FMS Photo of the Day. I'd love to hear about your marathon trainging if you're looking for some post ideas.... :)

  2. I will definitely get a marathon training post in the mix in the near future! I think I'll follow suit from Ashley and maybe start linking up to her Move it Monday posts.
