- Confession - every time I go to the dentist they ask me if I've been flossing, and I lie. Every. Single. Time. This morning was no different. Clearly they can tell I'm not an avid flosser seeing as my gums bleed like a stuck pig. Please don't tell my dentist I'm a liar. Also, please don't tell Babe and PETA I made reference to a pig bleeding out. I promise I'll start flossing every day from here on out, and will only eat turkey bacon. Maybe... Probably... Most likely not.
- After reading that Kansas City made Yahoo Travel's 5 Cities for Ultimate Snow Cones I was super excited to try out Little Freshie this weekend. Although the name and shop themselves are cute, I can't say it was my most favorite snow cone ever. In my opinion, it didn't hold a candle to Miami Ice.
- 99.9% of the time I would absolutely call myself a morning person. I'm up at 4:30 on most weekdays, and if I stay in bed until 8:00 on the weekend it's an accomplishment (I blame my mother for this unfortunate habit), but I don't know what got into me this weekend. I didn't get out of bed before noon on Saturday or Sunday, and it was glorious. Sure I felt like a lazy bum, but there was something exhilarating about eating pancakes and drinking mimosas at 2:00 p.m. after lounging in bed all morning.
- Speaking of being lazy, I lose all motivation to work out when I have to spend 37 minutes untangling my headphones before I can hop on the treadmill. Why on earth is this such an impossible task? Get with it Apple. I waste way too much of my precious time dealing with this issue.
- You know what isn't a waste of time at all? This ANIMALS TALKING IN ALL CAPS Tumblr. It's basically the greatest thing ever. Be sure to scroll all the way down to the one with the cat in the bed. Obsessed is an understatement. I must have this book for my coffee table.
- Life's hard as a blonde. Not only do people make all sorts of incorrect assumptions about us, but we have to spend a fortune maintaining our gorgeous locks. Sure, back in my youth my golden mane was au naturel, but these days it requires a lot of upkeep. Trips to the salon every 4-6 weeks for those baby fine highlights nearly break the bank. Sheesh it's a tough life I live, but I guess someone's gotta do it.
- Any Hilary Duff fans out there? I can't believe I'm even about to admit this, but I remember rushing home from high school on the days I didn't have cheerleading practice to watch Lizzie McGuire. I even made my uber-popular, much older, high school bf watch it with me. So embarrassing. If you're a total dork like me, you'll think this list of the 18 Greatest Hilary Duff Songs is pretty freakin' fantastic. Why not take a star from the sky? Why not spread your wings and fly? It might take a little and it might take a lot, but why not? Why not? These songs are pure gold.
- This time of year makes me realize I really, really miss school supply shopping. Yes I had an eraser collection when I was younger. Gosh I
wasam still such a dork. - I just spent $25 on glow sticks for my Labor Day trip to the lake. That's not a waste of money at all, right? I might have gone just a wee bit overboard. Oops!
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So I'm obsessed with glow sticks and Instagram? There are worse things to be infatuated with. Also, in case you were wondering, yes my hair is in fact crimped in this picture. |
Hope you all have a great three day weekend. Be safe, and let's send off summer in style!
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