Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Walking on Sunshine

My good friend Alex tagged me in a fun little blogging exercise this afternoon and since I've been seriously slacking this was just the motivation I needed to get back in gear. Here's the deal. You post 11 random facts about yourself, answer 11 questions by the nominating blogger, nominate 11 bloggers you think bring sunshine into the world, and come up with 11 questions to ask them. Here are my 11 random facts:
  1. I eat eggs almost every night for dinner Monday-Thursday - always scrambled, sometimes with spinach, feta cheese, and red onion. I'm a creature of habit. 
  2. Nothing annoys me more than when my couch cushions are all slouchy and smashed looking. Ok I lied. Maybe that isn't the thing that annoys me the most, but it's definitely up there. 
    perfectly fluffed
  3. I HATE being barefoot. The only time I'm barefoot is when I'm on a beach or in the pool. I would say in the shower as well, but at the gym I obviously wear extremely stylish Croc flip flops. Yup. I still technically wear Crocs at least 4-5 times a week.
  4. I sleep in socks. I once had a boyfriend tell me that it was unhealthy to sleep in socks because toxins weren't able to escape during the night. I call that horse crap. My feet get cold, and like I said, I hate being barefoot.
  5. I still wear my retainers. My orthodontist should be proud.
  6. I'm obnoxiously peppy in the morning. Right when my feet hit the floor (always in slippers) I am 100% awake and ready to take on the day. I don't understand people who take hours to wake up before they are fully functioning.
  7. I'm a really fast walker. My friends used to make fun of me in middle school and high school because I would walk so fast during passing periods between classes. I still walk fast, but I've recently learned I walk at snail speed compared to Cory. I just can't keep up with him!
  8. I have an obsession with McDonald's Vanilla Cones. I eat them at least 2-3 times a week. They're only 170 calories, 4.5g of fat, and cost $1 (plus tax)! That's a steal if you ask me! 
    typical night - me in the McDonald's drive thru getting ice cream by myself. Shameful.
  9. I met my boyfriend on Tinder. The cat's out of the bag...not that it was really a secret, but now you know. I actually blocked him because he told me I lived in the suburbs which I apparently found very offensive after an afternoon of cocktails. Anyways, he found me on Facebook, apologized, and the rest is history.
  10. I never get sick of food pictures on Instagram. I love them all. Is it weird that I'm fascinated by what other people are eating? I just really like pretty food.
  11. I really, really hate talking on the phone. Thank goodness for text messages and emails.
...and now if you're still with me, here are the questions Alex asked me:
  1. What would your perfect night consist of? Well it definitely depends on the night of the week. If it's a "school night" (because let's be honest, that's what they'll always be called - not work nights) then my perfect night is getting in a good work out, eating a quick dinner at home, and then heading to bed early, preferably around 9:00. Yes I'm a grandma. If it's a Friday or Saturday night then my perfect night includes going out for a long, yummy dinner with friends or family, followed by a few cocktails at a fun bar, or if I'm feeling really wild and crazy, some board or card games at home. Maybe even dominoes! I also enjoy a good jigsaw puzzle. Wow. I am so cool.
  2. If you could meet any person (living or dead) who would it be? Taylor Swift. I really think we are destined to be BFFs..if only we could meet. Sigh. 
  3. What do you do for a living, and what do you like most about it? I'm a merchandise planner which basically means I build financial plans to decide how much we are going to sell, how much inventory we need to do it, and how much we can put on sale in order to still make money. I get to decide what shoes go on sale, how much they will be, and when. Kinda fun right? It certainly never gets boring, and there is always craziness so I guess that keeps things interesting!
  4. Do you have pets, and if so, what are their name(s)/age(s)? Well if you read this blog at all, or follow me on Instagram you are probably aware I have one cat. Her name is Evie, and she is perfect. I got her from an ex-boyfriend when I was in high school so she's been around for 10 years now. 
  5. What's your favorite food? There is no way I can pick just one. I'm obsessed with Mexican food (queso specifically), and I can absolutely never get sick of it. I also have a serious sweet tooth - cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, cake, you name it. My other food that I eat at least every other day is popcorn. It is the greatest snack ever. End of story.
  6. Have you ever won anything? What was it? Hmmm like awards or a random prize? Random prizes, not that I can think of. I guess I'm just not that lucky. I'm still holding out hope that one of these days I'll win the lottery or the HGTV Dream Home. Don't squash my dreams. It'll happen. Right.
  7. What's the most exciting thing that's happened to you in the past year (or two)? Hmmm last week I just swam with manatees AND went to Harry Potter at Universal. I'd call that a pretty exciting week :)
  8. What's one place you haven't visited but would like to? Gosh. There are so many. Greece is at the top of my list right now although that probably won't happen for awhile. Within the US, I would love to visit Cape Cod or some of the other charming little towns in the Northeast.
  9. What's your favorite space (can be a place you like to go, an area in your house, etc)? The beach! It really doesn't even matter which beach. There is something so amazing and calming about talking a long walk on a beach that stretches on forever and ever.
  10. If you had unlimited store credit to any one store, which store would it be and why? Target. You can get basically anything there. Groceries. Clothes. Home decor. Craft supplies. Things you never could have imagined you would need, but can't live without once you see them. You get the idea.
  11. What's some good advice? I read something a few months ago about being "emotionally strong" that I think everyone could stand to remember. It said something to the effect of our emotions don't reflect reality. Rather, our emotions reflect the way we interpret reality. Understanding this gives us control of our emotions and, therefore, our lives. Positivity people!
So now it's time to tag some blogger friends! AshleyMeaghan, LaurelCharlieKatie, and Meg, it's your turn! Here are your questions:
  1. What are your favorite pair of shoes you own?
  2. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would it be?
  3. What was your favorite toy as a child?
  4. What's the best vacation you've ever been on?
  5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  6. What was the last book you read?
  7. Were you named after anyone?
  8. What's your favorite cereal?
  9. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  10. What's the best gift you've ever received?
  11. Lastly, what was your AOL Instant Messenger screen name in middle/high school, and what did it mean?


  1. I love you question about AOL screen names! Takes me back. I wish I had been as good as you with continuing to wear your retainers. I haven't in years and now I can definitely tell my teeth are not as straight as they used to be.

    1. Cheerinchiq35! Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassing!

  2. How fun! I just now saw that I got tagged! I will have to complete this soon!

  3. This is indeed an interesting blogging exercise. It just requires a lot of thinking, because 11 seems to be a small number compared to all the random and interesting facts about me or to another person. Anyhow, in all of your random facts, I agree with your fifth one. Your ortho will definitely be proud of you for still wearing your retainer religiously, and that you still maintain a good oral hygiene after the braces have come off. Cheers!

    Silvia Ballard @ Kelleher Ortho
