Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Blogger I Adore

Well technically she is more than just a blogger friend. She is my friend in real life too, but I wouldn't even have a blog if it wasn't for her so it is time to profess my love for Ashley over at The Domestic Wannabe.

Sorry Ashley, borrowed this picture from your blog :)

My blog wouldn't be nearly as pretty without her stellar graphic design skills, and her mini blogging lesson she gave me when I was first starting out. Definitely think I could use a few more, but I get by :)

Not only does Ashley have mad design skills like I just mentioned, but she is an amazing mother to two adorable little girls, Ryann and Elsie. If I ever find someone that can put up with me longer than a few months and if I decide to retire my cat lady status, I can only hope to be half as great a mom as Ashley is.

In addition to her parenting skills, I also look up to Ashley for her dedication to living a healthy lifestyle. She completely transformed her life a few years ago. I think I could learn a thing or two from her! She wholeheartedly believes that a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing, and I completely agree. Eating healthy 70% of the time is better than nothing because some days you just really need a cookie.

After the Hospital Hill 10K last summer

Ashley also is a hard core runner, and I always look forward to any races that we can run together. Did I mention that she ran a half marathon at 22 weeks pregnant? Rock star status. So for those reasons (and many more) I salute Ashley, and if you aren't currently reading her blog you really should be. That's all! Happy Cinqo de Mayo y'all!

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