Monday, May 6, 2013

What I Do

Today's topic is if you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question "what do you do?"

Hmmmm what a loaded question! I thought these topics were supposed to make blogging easier...not harder hah! I feel like as a 20-something so much of your identity is defined by your profession. Within minutes (maybe even seconds) of meeting someone new at a bar or a party or a friend's house or wherever really, the so what do you do question always arises. This is great if you have a job you love and you want to brag about it, but not-so-hot if you're in a dead end job feeling undervalued and underpaid. I've been on both sides of this fence, and the first side is an oh-so-much happier place to be in.

Can you imagine how surprised someone would be though if you answered this question with something other than how you pay the bills?!? So here is what I would say to really knock someone's socks off and totally blow their mind. I wake up each day and try to be the best person I can be. I try to be kind to kind in fact that no one would ever believe if anyone said anything bad about me. Sometimes this can be difficult. I like to gossip as much as the next gal (did you see what Nicole Richie wore to the Met Gala tonight?? Yikes!) so this is obviously a work in process, but hey at least I'm trying.

Another thing I do or I guess really don't do is take out a bad day on innocent parties. Maybe I only slept 4 hours, got my heel caught in a giant pothole in my sidewalk, fell flat on my face, spilled coffee everywhere and cut both my knees and palms only to get stopped at every red light in the entire city of Mission before making it to the highway (obviously all of these things have happened because I'm a total klutz), but I choose to leave all that misfortune in the car. No need to make my friends, family, and co-workers miserable just because I'm having a lousy morning.

Obviously these aren't the only things I do. These are just the things I've been working on lately, and with that I need to put myself to bed so I don't have another one of those mornings tomorrow. We survived another Monday! Goodnight all!

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